
Qatar-Pak-Turkey Nexus Behind Twitter Trend Against India, Ultimate Target Was Saudi Arabia: Report

Source : News18

Qatar-Pak-Turkey Nexus Behind Twitter Trend Against India, Ultimate Target Was Saudi Arabia: Report
According to the DisInfo Lab report, the Twitter trend was started by Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt. (Reuters Illustration)

The #BoycottIndianProducts trend on Arabic Twitter was the handiwork of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Egypt with troll handles in Qatar, Turkey and Pakistan fuelling the campaign against India, a report by Disinfo Lab has claimed.

On its website, Disinfo Lab describes itself as “a separate legal entity with the motive of unveiling fake news and propaganda that intend to create turmoil among people”. According to the report, the trend was started by Muslim Brotherhood leaders following the death of a man in police firing during an eviction drive in Assam, but the trigger was an excuse to hurt India’s economic interests. It adds that handles in Pakistan and Turkey further pushed the hashtag using fake videos and misrepresenting facts.

A social media trend #BoycottIndianProducts was pushed by #MuslimBrotherhood, a radical Islamist front using multiple fake news. It was supported by Qatar-Turkey-Pak nexus. Objective was to hit India’s image. But the bigger target was Saudi.

The report goes on to claim that the real target of the campaign was Saudi Arabia and its Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman who maintains cordial relations with India. It said the “Qatar-Pakistan-Turkey nexus” has been targeting Saudi for “control of the Islamic world”.

It said a similar campaign was launched against France as well so the “nexus” takes centre-stage in the Islamic world to “create an exclusionary economy of gigantic proportions”.

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