Source : Indian Defence News
Multi Point Refueling System of USAF KC-135R Stratotanker (Image Credit: Ratsbew Wikipedia) |
DRDO’s Technology Development Fund has started the Development of Air To Air Refuelling Pod (ARP Pod) for Tanker Aircrafts according to a DRDO report.
The air to air refuelling tanker aircraft is configured to incorporate three Air to Air Refuelling Pods. Air to air refuelling system consists of two wing-mounted pods and one fuselage pod attached to the left rear side of the fuselage. Fuel for air to air refuelling is supplied to all three pods from the aircraft fuel system only.
The aerial refuelling pod supplies fuel under pressure to the receiver aircraft. The air to air Refuelling pods are controlled and operated from the aerial Refuelling Control Panel located at the Operator station in the aircraft. The purpose of project is to design and develop new generation air to air refuelling Pod for use on IAF aircraft.